Mindfulness Wales is a project under Copyright of Samye Foundation Wales
Registered Charity No: 1122144 & Registered Co. No: 05901855
Empower your mind...Empower your business

Our Mindfulness Trainers
The Mindfulness trainers we use to deliver our courses have been trained by the Mindfulness Association - www.mindfulnessassociation.org and follow a strict code of conduct for delivering and practicing mindfulness. They follow the guidelines as laid down by the Mindfulness Teachers UK http://mindfulnessteachersuk.org.uk . Our trainers regularly attend Continued Professional Development courses to ensure best practice and keep up to date with current Mindfulness research and Practice.
Before becoming trainers in Mindfukness it was essential that they had been practicing for a number of years and had completed a few retreats.
Some of our trainers are also tutors for the Mindfulness Association UK and deliver the One Year Compassin Training Course and the One Year Mindfulness training courses in Wales and this is a necessary training for those who wish to become Mindfulness Trainers.
Please contact admin@sfwales.org or telephone 02920 860054 if you wish to receive more information regarding our trainers.